Category Archives: Seeking Alpha

Herbalife: One More Time Through the Muck

Maybe it was October Horror Season that possessed me to write about Herbalife again.

The full article is over at Seeking Alpha: Herbalife What Matters

You can easily ignore the company section. Herbalife commenters tend to go emotional crazy in at a head spinning around level. You would have to spend to much time sifting  through 200+ comments to find the 10 or so that make any sense.

I am not even going to expand on the article here beyond a brief summation of my opinion of Herbalife ( HLF) .

  1. Not a company that interests me as an investment. Though call options are tempting.
  2. None of their products interest me.
  3. The business opportunity does not interest me.
  4. I don’t love MLM but I don’t think Herbalife is a scam.
  5. I don’t believe that the FTC will take any action against the company.

The battle of the hedge fund titans does remind me the the time has come to put a stake through the heart of the carried interest tax loophole.


Lending Club Post LC

Going to start writing more for Seeking Alpha and will post snippets here with a link over to SA for the full article.

Lending Club is Ready to Beat the Market


  • Now that the hype is gone, Lending Club in poised for growth.
  • $11 billion in loan origination and growing fast.
  • Marketing for borrowers could use some improvement but will not hinder profitability.

Read the full article at Seeking Alpha