They Actually Did It!

Showing Fun

The Debt Ceiling Did Not Collapse on Our Heads

After months of screwing around rather than dealing with the problem, Congress and the President came to an agreement on the debt ceiling.

It really seemed like all parties involved wanted to ram the good ship USA into an iceberg.

We are now safe from this nonsense until 2025. No election year fake debt ceiling crisis.

Maybe politics can be set aside and I can start writing about the economy without all the BS. Wishful thinking.

Upcoming topics include the FED, GDP, government spending, the budget, and our glorious entitlements.

I say glorious entitlements because they are both glorious and earned entitlements. We pay into the programs and we have a right to the benefits. There is a contract between us and US (in the role of the government).

There will be some unavoidable politics in the budget portion of the program. It will be interesting to see what programs and services will be slashed. Watch them dance.

I wonder if the entitlement known as Congressional pensions will get chopped. How much will the Congressional budget be cut? #EndCongressionalPensions

Choices, choices, choices.

Does anyone really believe that government debt is the biggest problem facing America?
